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Giving Back

For every order you place, we give a pound of food to rescue shelters across America. With your help. we can make an impact on so many homeless dogs' lives.

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Not every pup is lucky enough to have a family of its own. Every ten seconds, a dog enters a shelter in search of a safe and loving fur-ever home.

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The Foggy Dog partners with Greater Good Charities' GOODS program to get food to qualified shelters and charitable organizations across America. 

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By Choosing The Foggy Dog you're treating your own pup and helping a pup in need. Thank you!

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Why we give

Every 10 seconds, a dog enters a shelter in need of a safe and loving fur-ever home. Working together, we can change their lives for the better by providing food to hungry shelter dogs. Thank you for helping us help them!

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How we give

We partner with GreaterGood Charities' GOODS program to get high-quality pet food to shelters and non-profit rescue organizations across America.

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GreaterGood is an international 501(c)(3) that distributes pet food, essential supplies, medicine, toys and more to its network of thousands of qualified charitable animal welfare organizations across America. 
Learn more at

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Where we give

Here are some of the many shelters and rescue organizations you have helped across the country:

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Muttville Senior
Dog Rescue

A cage-free rescue in San Francisco dedicated to saving senior dogs 7 & older.

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St. Hubert’s

A welfare center in New Jersey committed to finding animals loving homes.

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A Texas-based shelter creating a kinder world for pets and the people who love them.

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Meet some of the pups you’ve helped!

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QUARTZ is a Chihuahua from Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco who loves to snuggle.

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YUCCA is a 2 year old pup from Wags & Walks Rescue in Los Angeles who’s a very friendly and loving gal.

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CAPUCHIN is a Terrier mix from Border Tails Rescue in Prospect Heights who is shy around new people, but affectionate once you win her heart.

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CHICKEN LITTLE, a 5 month old male from Operation Kindness in Texas has mastered the art of getting belly rubs from strangers and friends alike.

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Why we give

Every 10 seconds, a dog enters a shelter in need of a safe and loving fur-ever home. Working together, we can change their lives for the better by providing food to hungry shelter dogs. Thank you for helping us help them!

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How we give

We partner with GreaterGood Charities' GOODS program to get high-quality pet food to shelters and non-profit rescue organizations across America.

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GreaterGood is an international 501(c)(3) that distributes pet food, essential supplies, medicine, toys and more to its network of thousands of qualified charitable animal welfare organizations across America. 
Learn more at

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Where we give

Here are some of the many shelters and rescue organizations you have helped across the country:

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Muttville Senior
Dog Rescue

A cage-free rescue in San Francisco dedicated to saving senior dogs 7 & older.

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St. Hubert’s

A welfare center in New Jersey committed to finding animals loving homes.

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Operation Kindness

A Texas-based shelter creating a kinder world for pets and the people who love them.

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Meet some of
the pups
you’ve helped!

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QUARTZ is a Chihuahua from Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco who loves to snuggle.

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YUCCA is a 2 year old pup from Wags & Walks Rescue in Los Angeles who’s a very friendly and loving gal.

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CAPUCHIN is a Terrier mix from Border Tails Rescue in Prospect Heights who is shy around new people, but affectionate once you win her heart.

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CHICKEN LITTLE, a 5 month old male from Operation Kindness in Texas has mastered the art of getting belly rubs from strangers and friends alike.

Giving Back

For every order you place, we give a pound of food
to rescue shelters across America.
With your help, we can make an
impact on so many homeless dogs' lives.

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