
A page of inspiration and tips help improve your content!

We often get asked what we look for when deciding on Brand Ambassadors. We are not only looking for accounts with highly engaged audiences, but also on-brand photography that is consistently well lit, clear, and showcases our products nicely. Here are a few examples of Brand Ambassador photos that we have loved and reposted.

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This photo featuring Harley in our Magnolia Shadow Floral bandana is a perfect example of how to use a bright and clean background different from a plain wall. We love that the product is displayed nicely and visibly to the viewer.

@ avaandameliadoodles.jpg__PID:22c21482-4cf5-4681-9de7-0d6846638a2a


This photo is too cute not to share! Ava, Amelia, and Aisla always impress with their aesthetically pleasing photos. Wearing our classic Windowpane Check bandanas, the background is simple which allows the products (and those adorable faces) to shine.



House of Husky always does a great job of capturing her girls with a smile. This high-quality, clear, and bright photo showcases our products excellently. The pawfect combo!

@ milliethecitydood.jpg__PID:824cf576-811d-470d-a846-638a2a8e180c


Millie and Murray’s pawrents always know how to capture their best sides! This beautifully lit photo showcases the products from a good angle, with the cutest expression on Millie, earning it a 10/10.

@ harry_thegoldenboy.jpg__PID:14824cf5-7681-4de7-8d68-46638a2a8e18


Harry always has a big smile, and who doesn’t love a smiling pup! The shot shows the product close up, clearly and beautifully. Harry’s pawrents always do a great job of presenting Harry’s best side.

@ murphythelady.jpg__PID:4cf57681-1de7-4d68-8663-8a2a8e180c8f


Now let’s talk creativity - a brand ambassador who always knocks us out with her propping and visuals is @murphythelady! Her account is a great example of fun and eye-catching photos that showcase both our products and Murphy beautifully in creative ways.

Takeaway Tips:

  • Shoot your images in bright and light places. Avoid overexposure: the “magic hour” for photography is the last hour before sunset and the first hour after sunrise. If that timing doesn’t work, we find that shooting in the shade results in better photos than full sun. When indoors, avoid using flash or artificial lighting.
  • Show your pup's personality! A smiling dog automatically brings a smile to everyone’s face. Tricks we use include: saying a dog’s favorite phrase to get that alert look (“do you want to go for a walk?”), squeaking his or her favorite toy, or holding up a yummy treat!
  • Get creative with your location, props and setup. Seasonal backgrounds are always fun - whether that’s a field of flowers for spring, a pumpkin patch for fall, or a snowy field in winter. We also love humorous photos that showcase your dog’s personality.
  • When in doubt, simple and light backgrounds are almost always the way to go. That allows your dog and our product to shine (and are easiest for us to visually work into our Instagram feed).
  • Make sure you are showcasing the product in its best light. Even if you take the most AMAZING photo ever of your dog, if our product is smushed or wrinkled, we won’t be able to repost it on our feed (which is so sad!) 
  • We often prefer urban settings like streets, doors, walls, interiors over less “polished” settings that show a lot of dirt or grass.
  • Portrait mode for iPhones is key!
  • We love seeing you with your pups. It’s extra special to see the emotional connection, and we particularly love candid shots where you’re looking at each other rather than posed in front of the camera. We also have special holidays where we specifically look for photos featuring pawrents and your pups (like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, National Best Friend’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc).
  • Tip: we always need more high-quality images of beds, collars, toys, and leashes!
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